2021 Cargo Connect

Cargo Connect Challange Released August 17th, 2021 at 12 noon ET.

The FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge team works together to design and build a LEGO® robot and then program it to autonomously complete a series of missions to score points in a 2.5-minute robot game.  After deciding on their mission strategy, the team launches their robot from the launch area, and it moves around the field attempting to complete the missions. The robot is programmed to return to home at any time, so the team can modify it before launching again to try other missions. If needed, the robot can be brought back to home by hand, but the team will lose a precision token. The team will have three robot game matches, but only their highest score will count. This year's CARGO CONNECTSM challenge is for the robot to deliver cargo to different forms of transportation or target locations around the field. The robot must activate mission models that represent transportation safety, efficiency, connections, and access. Gracious Professionalism® is how we express our Core Values in FIRST LEGO League. The robot game is an important place to observe Gracious Professionalism, and therefore our referees will evaluate it for each team at each match.

This year’s CARGO CONNECTSM challenge is for your robot to deliver cargo to different forms of transportation or target locations around the field. Your robot must activate mission models that represent transportation safety, efficiency, connection, and access.

Click here for Challenge Updates.


2021/2022 Robot Game Missions



















Cargo ConnectSM Innovation Project
Released August 17, 2021

Innovation Project

Everyone depends on the transportation of goods for their daily needs. As more demands are placed on the transportation systems, we will continue to face challenges unless we find new ways, or improve existing ways, to transport products from place to place.

How can you improve the transportation of products? Identify a specific problem within this theme that you want to solve. Then, create or improve a piece of equipment, a technology, or a method of transportation to solve your specific problem.

Project Start


Identify a specific problem related to making the transportation journey of products better.

The Project Sparks (covered in Sessions 1-4) explore some problems related to the challenge. Your Innovation Project could come from a Project Spark, but it doesn’t have to. It will help to focus on a particular product and how it is transported.

Think about how access, safety, efficiency, or connections relate to product journeys and see if you can improve any of them for a particular product that you are investigating.


Design and create a new piece of technology, equipment, or method of transportation that could improve the journey of the products.

This will be your Innovation Project solution. Make a model or prototype to show how your solution improves the way the products are transported.


Share your ideas, collect feedback, and iterate on your solution.

The more you iterate and develop your ideas, the more you will learn. What impact will your solution have on your community?


Research your problem and your solution ideas.

What solutions already exist? Are there any experts who could help you? Think about the products that are transported in and out of your community. Research some of the journeys the products take to their final destinations.


Create a creative and effective presentation that communicates your solution at an event.

Prepare a 5-minute presentation that clearly explains your Innovation Project solution and its impact on others. Make sure your whole team is involved.





*Community can be defined as just a town or city or a larger area like a state or country